Democracy assistance is failing to adapt to the shifting dynamics of global politics evident in recent reports from such varied sources as Freedom House,
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Venezuela ‘loosening grip’ on market, tightening on dissent
Nicolás Maduro, a long practitioner of tight state control of the economy, has quietly and cautiously begun implementing free-market policies.
Moscow Protests’ Rare Show of Defiance & Solidarity
A growing number of Russian entertainers joined in a rare show of defiance and solidarity, in support of an actor who they say was wrongfully convicted
In charge but responsible for nothing, there lies Afro-Nazism
In Africa “governments” are in charge but responsible for nothing. This is Afro-Nazism considering the brutish repression that enforces such rule.
Bangladesh: Internet Blackout on Rohingya Refugees
New telecommunications and internet restrictions on Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh will disrupt critical humanitarian and emergency services, HRW.
Kazakhstan: Feminist Group Denied Registration
An appeals court in Kazakhstan on September 3 upheld a decision denying Feminita, a national feminist initiative, registration as a NGO.
Revealed: The Stark Truth Of No-Deal Brexit
The United Kingdom government has been forced by Parliament to make public its contingency plans in the event the UK leaves the EU without a deal.
‘Harder edge’ to China’s sharp power threatens democracies
China’s expansionism is detrimental to the democratic West in many respects. Europe and the U.S. need to wake up to the challenge, says a leading analyst.
Rethinking backsliding: Why flawed liberals leave democracy vulnerable
If one thing is disconcerting about the illiberal turn in Eastern and Central Europe, it is the early backsliding of democratisation frontrunners there.
Resilience and renewal can reverse democratic retrenchment
A period of strategic competition with China and firm push-back against Russia could be blended with economic growth and focused cooperation.