The European Union may need “broader rules to make sure that the way companies collect and use data doesn’t harm the fundamental values of society.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Tunisia a testing showcase for Islam and democracy
As new democratic movements gather strength elsewhere in North Africa and Tunisia was preparing for a presidential election on Sunday.
NormShield Election Security Report: from attention to rebuke
NormShield’s election security report called “Rapid Cyber Risk Scorecards” first gained a lot of attention then rebuke followed over errors.
Russia’s grid hackers actually aimed for physical destruction in Ukraine
The shortlived 2016 cyberattack on the Ukrainian power grid hides a darker truth as new clues show hackers actually aimed for lasting destruction.
Divided Allegiance: Hong Kong’s ‘last-straw movement’ vs. dystopian China Dream
Hong Kong’s leader must “serve two masters,” Chief Executive Carrie Lam told business people in the city according to a transcript.
China ‘in danger of losing its grip’ over Tibet and Xinjiang
China is in danger of losing its grip over Tibet and Xinjiang and needs a radical reset of its ethnic policies, experts suggest.
Populism in Britain and America: rethinking fundamentals of governance
Populism in Britain and America has exposed deep flaws in their constitutional systems, giving cause for them to rethink their fundamentals of governance.
Conference: “no democracy without accountability”
IDEA’s Brussels is co-organising an important conference on the theme ‘No Democracy without Accountability’ September 17. Read more about the conference.
John Bolton’s exit: civil society sees pathways out of Venezuelan crisis
In the latest in Venezuela’s political crisis, civil society sees pathways opening for a solution as John Bolton quits post of US National Security Adviser.
Perspective: the left to emerge victorious over the right
A left versus right struggle rages in democracy’s waning momentum but scholar Yascha Mounk says the future is the left’s. Its an interesting perspective.