The Bangladesh government should end clampdown on Rohingya refugees’ freedom of movement and access to the internet and online communications.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Russia’s Playbook for Disrupting Democracy
Russia’s interference in the 2016 US presidential election shouldn’t have been a total shock. Matt Apuzzo, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, tells us why.
Moderates must avoid ‘Flight 93 Temptation’ to borrow from the populists’ illiberal playbook
The two most venerable English-speaking democracies appear to be following in the footsteps of countries they once sought to inspire.
Discussion: are we in a new authoritarian era?
In this special episode on Intelligence Squared, host John Donvan sits down with two of America’s leading thinkers on politics and foreign policy.
Howard Schultz Formally drops out of Presidential Race
Howard Schultz has formally dropped out of the presidential race although he had suspended his potential independent run several months ago.
France: Immigrant Children Being Denied Protection
Unaccompanied children arriving in France’s Alpine region undergo flawed age assessment procedures that deny many access to needed protection.
Italy’s New Government Should Undo Its Worst Migration Policies
Italy’s new coalition government, fragile as it may be, presents a chance for the country to move away from migration policies that put lives at risk.
Labor movement ‘winning the war of ideas’ for democracy?
Organized labor came out in solidarity with Hong Kong pro-democracy campaigners, as they called on EU to lead the way in ensuring human rights are eroded.
Countering Russia’s political assaults: what works and what doesn’t
Democracies around the world are combating Russian election interference, report observes. Some countries have dealt with this interference better than.
Hong Kong: China’s accusations of foreign influence echo authoritarian playbook
China has a long history of blaming “foreign forces” for internally challenges like Tiananmen Square. It is repeating this strategy with Hong Kong Protests.