Ayubi made the mistake of sticking his tongue out during act of theft. Attention led to arrest, but two days after he was dead in pakistani police custody.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Lebanon: End Systemic Violence Against Transgender Women
Transgender women in Lebanon face systemic violence and discrimination, Human Rights Watch, Helem, and MOSAIC said in a report and video released today.
Citizen K: Putin’s nightmare? The ballot box
By any measure, the decline of Putinism is indisputable. It was best captured by a poll conducted in May by the government-run Public Opinion Center.
Is a Brexit dictatorship emerging as Boris Johnson threatens Conservative rebels with dismissal?
A Brexit dictatorship in Britain? UK PM, Boris Johnson, warned threatens Conservative MPs with dismissal if they back new pro-Brexit deal legislation.
Trump plays to evangelical base with hard-line support for Israel
President Trump’s recent push to win over Jewish voters faces an uphill battle,his hard-line support for Israel may be aimed at different audience together.
Hong Kong police blue dye protesters to ease their arrest
As flashpoints erupt between protesters and police in Hong Kong, water cannons with blue dye are being turned on the protesters to mark them for arrest.
Myanmar’s Rohingya have been homeless for two years now
Time stands still for more than 740,000 homeless Rohingya Muslims, who are still unable to return home two years after being driven out of northern Rakhine.
Kuwait: Jailed Bidun Activists on Hunger Strike
Dozen of Bidun activists detained in Kuwait since July 2019 began a hunger strike on August 22 to protest human rights violations against themselves
A Rough Road Ahead to Peace in Afghanistan
After 10 months of negotiations, the United States and the Taliban have reached an agreement to end their conflict in Afghanistan. That was the easy part.
What are the chances that democracy will survive if the media fails?
In countries where a free press was just beginning to emerge rising authoritarianism, social media cannibalization of audience is threatening its reversal.