Myanmar has finally enacted a law to protect the rights of children. The law is consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Gender Equality in Pakistan: new Law Protects Women Farm Workers
Sindh province in Pakistan is taking an important step toward ending abuse and discrimination against women agricultural workers.
Trump proved Putin’s Puppet at G-7 making absent Russia summit’s victor
The prevailing takeaway from this year’s G7 summit was that it resulted in little progress on many of problems while potraying Trump as Putin’s puppet.
Polish populism: time to pressure Poland’s populist regime on rule of law
Populism in Poland is harming its democracy. An article in Democracy Digest argues it is time to place pressure on Poland to redress the situation.
China Shuts Unirule, a rare stronghold for liberal economic thought in the country
One of China’s key programs is quelling dissent. China has shut down Unirule, one of the country’s rare strongholds for liberal economic thought.
Is a ‘democratic depression’ around the corner?
Populists in government can erode the institutional checks on executive power necessary for durable democracy, previously resilient advanced democracies.
China’s underground mobilization against Hong Kong protests
From repression to threats of military crackdown it is increasingly mobilizing underground forces and networks to smash the Hong Kong protests.
Democratic transition in Sudan: daunting challenges ahead, article
An interesting article in Democracy Digest looks at the challenges to democratic transition in Sudan post-coup in April 2019 and the transition debacle.
Egypt: 20 Rights NGOs Call On President Macron To Denounce Egypt’s Human Rights Record During The G7 Meeting
It was a striking choice for France to invite Egyptian President Sisi to attend the G7 summit in Biarritz, with theme being “the fight against inequality”.
Human Rights Watch calls on Thai authorities to investigate detainee’s death
Human Rights Watch has called on Thai authorities to launch credible investigation into death of suspected insurgent Abdulloh Esormusor in military custody.