On street liberalism, Gideon Rachman argues that events in Moscow and Hong Kong show how single-grievance protests can evolve into wider movements.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Record Moscow democracy protests present new challenge to Putin
In recent Moscow democracy protests, thousands, in one of Russia’s largest demonstrations and new challenge to Putin, decry barring of independents in poll.
Videos show a massive procession of Chinese military vehicles gathering along the Hong Kong border as China mulls over its next move in response to protests
Chinese military vehicles have gathered in Shenzhen, a city located just 25 kilometers (15 miles) from the adjacent Hong Kong border.
“Eritrean Irony”: Youth Prefer Death at Sea to Freedoms Curtailed at Home
The “eritrean irony” is that after a costly freedom war, it instead sank into tyranny and its youth now prefer death at sea than freedoms curtailed at home.
Decriminalise South African Sex Work, Protect Women, End HIV Pandemic
Perhaps it’s time to decriminalise South African sex work as anti-prostitution laws are compromising safety of women and efforts to end HIV in South Africa.
Digital tools + strategic nonviolent action strengthen capacity of Tibet movement
Change is possible by combining digicom with strategic nonviolence to strengthen capacity and effectiveness of Tibet movement, says Lhadon Tethong of TAI.
Media Public Confidence and Democratic Governance in Africa
Erosion in public confidence in the media could embolden African leaders with autocratic tendencies, says Jeff Conroy-Krutz.
Kremlin under siege: after 20 years in power, Putin ‘looks weaker than ever’
From giving the appearance of statesman, Putin’s real nature finally reared its head, that of a brutish dictator. But this only makes him weak, report says.
Silent Invasion: China’s influence chills free speech
Confrontation between Chinese students in Australian and New Zealand Universities over Hong Kong has a negative impact on free speech for these US allies.
The Violence Paradox
An interesting article in The Hill looks at the paradox of violence, arguing we are capable of both gruesome acts of violence and the ability to end same.