South African President-elect Cyril is showing signs of cracking down on corruption as the country’s new parliament voted for a five-year term.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Iran Arrests Corruption-Exposing Journalist Masoud Kazemi
An Iranian journalist who wrote about government corruption has been arrested for the second time in six months on the same day.
Deposed Istanbul Mayor Blasts ‘Lies’ Used to Annul Election
Istanbul’s deposed mayor Ekrem says no one believed the “lies” used to overturn his recent election and called on voters to “correct this great shame” .
Remember Tiananmen, the 30th Anniversary of Pro-Democracy Protests
To date, there is no public remembrance in mainland China for the hundreds, if not thousands of people who were killed in and around Tiananmen Square.
5 Rights Activists Charged in Zimbabwe, Lawyers Say
Authorities in Zimbabwe have charged five rights campaigners arrested this week, accusing them of plotting to overthrow President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Blocked Arrest of Ex-Sudanese Official Stirs Concern
Sudan’s public prosecutors have called for the dismissal of the director of the National Intelligence and Security Service after agents .
OAS Demands Ortega Keep Promise to Free Nicaraguan Political Prisoners
The OAS is urging Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega to stick to his agreement to unconditionally free all political prisoners by the June 18 deadline.
What The Shake-up At Kommersant Says About Russian Media
This week brought the bombshell announcement that Ivan Safronov and Maxim Ivanov, two veteran reporters for Kommersant, were pressured into resigning.
Global Journalism’s Role In Fighting Networked Kleptocracy
A key feature of global kleptocracy is they have to move money around because often the places where they earn , make are not where they want to keep it.
Another Chinese Rights Activist Leaves Prison Gravely Ill
Rights activist Ji released from prison in April after serving four and a half years on fabricated charges of “gathering a crowd to disrupt public order” .