Press freedom has long been an elusive aspiration in China, and the outlook has become increasingly dire under the tight rule of Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
South Korea Works for Safety of 7 Defectors Held in China
South Korea’s foreign ministry is doing all it can to ensure the safety of seven North Koreans who were detained in China after fleeing their homeland.
Cambodian Journalist Sees Media Situation Deteriorating
Cambodian journalist Aun Pheapused to be a dedicated reporter. He would chase stories for The Cambodia Daily, a local independent paper.
Cameroon Journalists Decry Treatment by Both Sides in War
The occasion of World Press Freedom Day, journalists in Cameroon are protesting what they said are abuses by both the government and separatists fighting.
Honduras Health and Education Law Dumped After Violent Protests
The Honduran Congress says it will suspend ratification of new health and education reforms that critics say would lead to privatization and job losses.
China’s Mass Surveillance App Used to Target Muslims in Xinjiang
The Chinese authorities are using a “mass surveillance” app to profile, investigate, and detain Muslims in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.
Long Staunch ANC Supporters, South African Voters Seek Change
In recent years, the party has been rocked by multiple high-level corruption scandals and mounting complaints about its failure to provide basic services.
Growing Concerns Over Saudi Arabia’s Rights Abuses
The recent mass execution of dozens of Saudi citizens has drawn wide criticism from rights groups and governments around the world.
UN Panel: South Sudan Likely Executed Two Prominent Critics
A new U.N. report says South Sudanese security agents likely executed two prominent critics of the government who vanished in Kenya in January 2017.
Relatively Young New Leader Named in Algeria Amid Protests
Algeria’s ruling National Liberation Front (FLN) party, has elected Mohamed Djemai, a businessman, as its new leader, state television said on Tuesday.