Rising inflation, endemic poverty and many others are the issues facing Philippine voters when they vote May 13 in midterm legislative elections.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Benin Internet Shutdown Repeats Pattern of African Censorship
When authorities in Benin turned off the country’s internet during parliamentary elections, they became ninth African government to restrict access.
Hundreds of Thousands Protest Against Algeria Ruling Elite
Protesters rallied peacefully in Algiers after Friday prayers, chanting “We will not shut up!” and demanding the departure of Algeria’s ruling elite.
Iran Escalates Targeting of Non-Shiites, Other Religious Minorities
A U.S. government body that monitors global religious freedom says conditions in Iran worsened last year, with government targeting of non-Shi’ite Muslims.
Rights Activists Denounce Iran’s Crackdown on May Day Protesters
Iranian police have arrested dozens of labor rights activists who rallied peacefully in Tehran to mark International Workers’ Day.
Sudanese Hold Mass Rally Amid Standoff With Generals
Sudan’s protesters held a mass rally to step up pressure on military to hand power to civilians following last month’s overthrow of President al-Bashir.
Rage Over South Africa Corruption Turns Off Voters
For many South African voters, the government’s struggle with corruption which in the past five years has provoked numerous inquiries.
Activists Run Afoul of Kazakhstan’s Zero Tolerance for Protest
Every time authorities in Kazakhstan crack down on peaceful protests, I find myself coming back to the words of Maina Kiai.
2 Activists Linked to Pussy Riot Get Asylum in Sweden
Two activists linked to the Russian protest group Pussy Riot have successfully appealed their rejected asylum application and received shelter in Sweden.
Activists Urge China to Not Repatriate North Korean Defectors
Activists are urging China not to repatriate seven North Koreans who were detained in an eastern Chinese province after leaving their homeland.