The leaders meeting in Germany’s Bavaria state are searching for ways to support Ukraine in defending itself against Russia.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Acclaimed Zimbabwe Author Slapped With Arrest Warrant
The warrant of arrest for Tsitsi came after she failed to appear in court over charges of inciting violence. Her lawyer said she was ill.
Nigeria’s New Kingmakers
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and its biggest democracy, yet its leaders are chosen by a small group of kingmakers.
Democratic Recession May Yet Give Way To Renewal
Democracy is in crisis because social problems from globalization were ignored and the challenges of immigration mismanaged, expert.
How Popular Votes Made Switzerland A Global Democracy Leader
A turning point in Swiss history was the adoption of the new federal constitution as it led to a number of significant reforms.
Study: Politicians Typically Enjoy Longer Lives Than General Populations
For almost all countries, politicians had similar rates of mortality to the general population in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Democracy Day, E-Governance And Better Nigeria
Nigeria is the fastest-growing ICT market in Africa, yet it still falls short when it comes to offering its citizens e-governance services.
Inside The Luxury Russian Dacha Linked To Vladimir Putin
Putin has publicly disclosed few and humble assets. However, leaked data and whistleblowing show that he may actually be very rich.
Why Do Some Democracies Survive Coup Attempts?
Responses to constitutional crisis, like that on 06/01/2021 in the US, can be chaotic, arbitrary, and may affect the nature of the system.
How Journalists Can Spot The Signs Of Autocracy
Although there are signs, tyrants can hide repressive rule behind the façade of democracy. Journalists can be trained to identify autocracy.