Flags are flying at half staff this week as South Africa prepares to bid farewell to anti-apartheid crusader Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Democratic Rights Popular Globally But Commitment Lacking
A new Pew Research Center survey shows that democracy is still popular but support for democratic ideals is not always strong.
The Betrayal of Nicaraguan Democracy, A First-Hand Account
A new book looks at Nicaragua’s painful descent into authoritarianism. The book argues for a betrayal of Nicaragua’s democracy.
Massive Anti-Coup Protests Sweep Sudan
As Sudan marks the third anniversary of a popular revolt, people from all over the country joined protests against the military’s takeover.
Dissidents’ sentence confirms Egypt’s continuing crackdown
An Egyptian court Monday gave activist Alaa Abdel Fattah a 5 years prison term, the latest that seen him spend the last decade in prison.
Turnout Down as Hong Kong Votes in ‘Patriots’-only Election
Efforts by Hong Kong authorities and last-ditch canvassing by candidates failed to improve turnout in “patriots”-only election on Sunday.
On Excluding Singapore From Democracy Summit
President Biden invited countries like Angola, DRC and Iraq for his democracy summit leaving out Singapore a more democratic country.
Better Democracy Through Technology
Can machines help us become better citizens and communicators? Deb Roy, a leading authority on the subject, believes this is possible.
Chilean Democracy Faces A Critical Test
If far-right candidate Kast wins the upcoming presidential election, Chile could find itself on the path to a democratic retreat.
Testing The Resilience Of Latin America’s Democracies
The COVID pandemic has put Latin American communities and governments under immense strain, putting democracy to the test.