In the ashes of a decade of war, the illegal drug industry run by Bashar al-Assad’s relatives is transforming Syria into a narcostate.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Republicans Hail Barbados’ Move Away From Monarchy
Anti-monarchy movements across the Commonwealth hailed Barbados as it dismissed the monarchy become the world’s newest republic.
How China’s crackdown Is Changing Hong Kong’s Identity
Beijing’s crackdown on critical discourse has eroded Hong Kong’s unique identity with many self-censoring to avoid possible legal issues.
Are Democracies Losing Out To Authoritarian Regimes?
The world is increasingly authoritarian, Hong Kong embodying this shift. The big question: what are democracies doing about it?
How Citizen Observers Saved Honduran Democracy From Violence
During Sunday’s presidential election scores of people gathered to demand nothing less than the future of Honduran democracy.
Major Tunisia Union Calls For Early Elections
Tunisia’s powerful UGTT union called for early elections on Saturday, citing the president’s refusal to publish a roadmap for reforms.
Gambia Faces Key Test For Democracy In Decisive Election
Preliminary results from Saturday’s hotly contested presidential vote in Gambia show that President Adama Barrow held a slim advantage.
Philippines: Duterte’s Pick Quits Presidential Race
President Rodrigo Duterte’s candidate for the president was Philippine Senator Christopher “Bong” Go who has no quit the race.
Why Dark Personalities Participate In Politics
Dark personalities participate in politics. In this respect, participation is linked to narcissism and psychopathy (not Machiavellianism), study.
Sudan Security Forces Fire Tear Gas At Protesters
After an accord reinstalling civilian Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, Sudanese aspirations for full civilian government have continued.