The EU wants Facebook and Google to reveal how and why they use political ads to target people, as well as who pays for them.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Reform Of Elections For Swiss Top Judges Thrown Out
A plan to elect supreme court judges by lot rather than by the Swiss parliament was rejected by voters in all 26 Cantons of the country.
Walking A Tightrope As A Thai Democracy Advocate
Thailand’s pro-democracy movement depends on the tenacity of important activists who walk a tightrope to keep the movement alive.
In joint op-ed, China and Russia decry US democracy summit
Russian and Chinese Ambassadors have written an op-ed expressing anger at their exclusion from the upcoming summit of democracies.
Zelenskiy: Ukraine Thwarts Coup Plot Involving Russians; Kremlin Denies Role
President Zelenskiy announced on Friday that Ukraine discovered a plot involving Russians to overthrow his administration next week.
Bipartisan initiative challenges Salvador’s ‘foreign agents’ law
US lawmakers are urging El Salvador’s congress to reconsider a draft bill requiring foreign-funded entities to register as “foreign agents”.
New Swedish Prime Minister resigns hours after being voted in
Sweden’s parliament voted a female Prime Minister Wednesday. But only a few hours after being voted in, Magdalena Andersson resigned.
Burundi activists lambast ‘simplistic’ lifting of sanctions
The United States has lifted sanctions on Burundi. However, activists have lambasted the move as a ‘simplistic’ lifting of sanctions.
Democracy faces perfect storm as the world becomes more authoritarian
In the context of COVID-19 democratic governments are becoming authoritarian while autocratic regimes consolidate their rule.
Who’s in and who’s out? Democracy Summit shouldn’t be a photo op
World democracies are coming together, but commitment is unclear, which risks turning the summit into a photo op for some.