Some key figures in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement now advocate for the abolition of Hong Kong’s limited voting rights.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Sudan On The Brink Amid Scramble For Democracy
With so many organizations vying for a say in the country’s destiny, reaching a compromise is proving extremely difficult.
Life in South Korea for North Korean defectors
Life in South Korea for North Korean defectors may not be as challenging as back home but they face major day-to-day hurdles.
‘Autocratization Turns Viral’ Says Swedish Report
A new University of Gothenburg report shows that the hybrid political system sometimes called “electoral autocracy” has gone “viral”.
South Africa’s Local Elections Test Loyalty to Party of Mandela
South African voters will decide on November 1 whether the ANC can still provide reform or if it is time to vote for the opposition.
Microsoft to Shut Down LinkedIn in China Over Censorship Concerns
Microsoft will close LinkedIn in China later this year over significantly more challenging environment, the company announced Thursday.
Pro-democracy protests flare up in Eswatini
Pro-democracy protests have erupted in Eswatini, months after authorities used tear gas to put down a previous round of rallies.
Opinion: Biden shouldn’t invite wannabe dictators to ‘Summit of Democracies’
Biden’s ‘summit of democracies’ is to counter China’s aggression. But he must be careful not to invite wannabe dictators to the meeting.
Xi Jinping: China’s ‘democratic’ system holds key to international success
Amid intensifying ideological confrontation with Washington, Xi Jinping has said China has a ‘democratic’ system of government.
Ex-Kremlin mastermind predicts formation of ‘humanless democracies’
In the light of the rapid developments in Artificial Intelligence, an ex-Kremlin mastermind has predicted a future of ‘humanless democracies’.