Elections could be key if Mugabe allows free and fair vote but Zimbabwe police trouble signs worry
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Tunisia Prime Minister Jebali Quits His Post
Nation is going through deep political change as Tunisia Prime Minister Jebali quits in conflicts
New Law Threatens Togo Freedom of Speech
Togo freedom of speech is only path towards full democracy if political class sets the right goals
Blogger Praises Relative China Social Media Freedoms
Hugely popular blogger worries about creeping restrictions on freedom of information despite some China social media freedoms that have emerged recently
Armenia Election Draws Both Praise and Controversy
Sitting President wins Armenia election draw but serious concerns raised by opposition parties
PM to Quit as Tunisia Arab Spring Revolution Struggling
Dramatic turns of events are keeping Tunisia Arab Spring revolution struggling in state of flux
Mexico, Several U.S. States Redefine Marriage Laws
Mexico and states redefine marriage bill as results remain mixed further north in America
Activist Starts New South Africa Political Party
Apartheid activist challenges ruling African National Party with new South Africa political party
Government in Crisis With Tunisia Arab Spring in Danger
Tunisia Arab Spring in danger and continues to hit crisis after crisis as government flounders
Bulgaria Protests Against Electricity Costs Gather Pace
Bulgaria protest started targeting high electricity costs but turned towards Bulgarian government