In three key European states a majority of adults back compulsory voting but opinions in the United States are far more divided.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Malaysia Cartoonist Investigated Over Criticism Of Politician
Malaysian authorities are harassing Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque over a cartoon in which the cartoonist allegedly mocked a regional minister.
Russia’s extremism trial aims to break Navalny’s network
The Russian government is using an extremism trial to put an end to the protests around opposition figure Alexei Navalny.
UN Chief Calls For Continued Support For Sudan Democracy
The United Nations has been monitoring the transition process in Sudan and has released a new statement encouraging reforms.
Myanmar Army Controls Its Soldiers’ Lives, Minds and Finances
Myanmar’s strong army, the Tatmadaw, has complete control over its soldiers’ lives. Those who abandon ship pay a high price.
In Spite Of France, Chad Still Deserves Democratic Governance
Chad’s future and stability are threatened more so by the lack of democracy further eroded by the recent coup than by the Islamist insurgency.
Algerians Take To The Streets In Large Numbers
Algerians are expressing a loud no to quasi-military rule. Despite the ban on protests they returned to the streets in large numbers.
Chile Votes To Begin Rewrite Dictatorship-Era Constitution
Chileans voted Sunday to select some 155 persons tasked with the long overdue rewriting of the dictatorship-era constitution.
Hong Kong Stock Exchange Halted Amid Political Turmoil
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange halted after authorities froze the assets of pro-democracy activist and media tycoon, Jimmy Lai.
How Europe Helps Authoritarian Regimes To Export Repression
Extraditing activists and tight migrant controls are some ways in which western democracies are promoting authoritarian regimes.