Journalist Ahmet Altan was released from custody on April 14 after the European Court of Human Rights ruled in his favor (ECtHR).
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
China’s Campaign Against Democracy Activist Benny Tai
If you believe the Chinese regime, Benny Tai is the mastermind and main suspect who has conspired to undermine Chinese state control.
Pakistan Social Media Shutdown Amid Protest Crackdown
Fears a radical group might use social media to perpetrate violent protests prompted the shutdown of social media platforms.
Shadow Government Formed By Some Myanmar Coup Opponents
To end military rule, Myanmar’s deposed politicians formed a shadow government with anti-coup activists and ethnic minorities.
Haiti’s PM Resigns As Anti-Government Protests Continue
The Haitian PM’s resignation comes at a time when Haiti is in the midst of a serious social and political crisis marked by instability, abuse.
The Student Journalists Trying To Change Russia
Russian students have risen to prominence, becoming political subjects in their own minds as well as in the minds of the public.
Myanmar Activists Stage Symbolic Red Paint Protests
In the latest phase of their fight for democracy, opponents of Myanmar’s junta splashed the color red on roads, signs and T-shirts.
Somalia’s President Signs Law Extending His Tenure
As the U.S. and others threatened sanctions, Somalia’s president defiantly signed a law extending his and his government’s tenure.
Peru And Ecuador: Elections And Democracy In The Andes
In the face of pandemic-related hardships and controversies, electoral results in Peru and Ecuador act as a litmus test for regional politics.
Pakistan To Ban Islamist Party After Deadly Clashes
Pakistan has moved to outlaw a hard-line political party after two police officers were killed in protests after the group’s leader was arrested.