The only path to victory is through the two major political parties, which means our options are determined by partisans and activists.
Democracy in America articles
This Democracy in America archive has all our articles about election reform in the United States. The section is meant to encourage discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the election system and help you build new ideas for the future. Be sure to check out our main section on American democracy as well.
West Virginia plans to make smartphone voting available to disabled
West Virginia is moving to become the first state to allow people with disabilities to use technology that would allow them to vote with their smartphones.
Election officials get training before 2020 voting begins
Ahead of the last presidential election major topics for officials were voter registration, identity theft and ballot design. This year it’s security.
School board elections are largely determined by white voters
It’s well known, America’s teachers don’t look much like the country’s students. It turns out the voters who elect America’s school boards don’t either.
Minorities and even the majority could be hurt by Utah’s ranked-choice voting
In 2019 two cities in Utah began using a type of ranked-choice voting but votes under this system can ‘cascade’ downwards from the first winner to others.
Republican-led bill aims to secure voter registration against external attacks
The Republican-led bill seeks to update a long-standing federal election law and secure voter registration databases from foreign hacking attempts.
A meltdown looms in the 2020 presidential elections
Law Professor Richard Hasen warns that the 2020 presidential election could be compromised by multiple dysfunctionalities and election security threats.
When Did African Americans Actually Get the Right to Vote?
The 15th Amendment granted black men the right to vote under the law, but exercising that right became another challenge, Sarah Pruitt.
Arizona ‘ballot harvesting’ law discriminates against minority voters
Arizona violated the Voting Rights Act by barring voters from delivering the early ballots of others, a federal appeals court ruled Monday.
Details of Missouri GOP redistricting plan could mean big changes
Who should be counted when Missouri’s 197 legislative districts are redrawn: everyone who lives in the state or only citizens old enough to vote?