Ballotpedia examines the varying responsibilities of US Secretaries of State which range from keeping state records to electoral administration.
Democracy in America articles
This Democracy in America archive has all our articles about election reform in the United States. The section is meant to encourage discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the election system and help you build new ideas for the future. Be sure to check out our main section on American democracy as well.
Voting Rights will be the focus of Stacey Abrams’s new book
Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams will release a new book on voting rights in 2020, her publisher, Henry and Holt, confirmed Tuesday
Celebrity Stylist Justine Marjan launches “vote” bobby pin to increase voter turnout
Together with Kitsch and When We All Vote, stylist Justine Marjan has launched a “vote” bobby pin, donating all proceeds to help increase voter turnout.
New lawsuit by National Democrats over Texas voter registration requirements
Texas is being hit with third voting rights lawsuit filed by national and Texas Democrats — this time targeting the state’s voter registration requirements.
GOP Senate Resolution allows for dismissal of impeachment articles
GOP Senators have expressed intent to change rules allowing Senate to dismiss articles of impeachment even before House sends them over, report in The Hill.
Lessons from Michigan: updating election equipment, thorny challenge for States
Lessons from Michigan show the extent to which updating election equipment remains a thorny challenge for States ahead of 2020.
Report: improvement needed in States for national GIS infrastructure to work
While no state is failing when it comes to GIS, the progress is spotty and there is an urgent need for all states to improve, NSGIC
New Book Examines Lowering the Voting Age to 16
This book explores the consequences of lowering the voting age to 16 from a global perspective.
The FCC should not have allowed the eminent shrinking of the Dayton Daily News: Dayton Mayor
Reliance on the Dayton Daily News for information for people in Dayton, Ohio, may suffer setback due to the recent acquisition of owner, Cox Media.
Opinion: Gerrymandering endangers democracy. Fight back
John Arnold opines in the Houston Chronicle that where the Supreme Court failed to act in protecting US democracy against gerrymandering, the people can.