The Albuquerque City Council has not made a decision yet on whether to adopt ranked-choice voting for municipal elections.
Democracy in America articles
This Democracy in America archive has all our articles about election reform in the United States. The section is meant to encourage discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the election system and help you build new ideas for the future. Be sure to check out our main section on American democracy as well.
Pennsylvania Voting Reform Proposals Swirling At State Capitol
Lawmakers are looking for ways to address poor voter turnout and concerns that too many voters feel like their votes don’t matter.
Supremes Underestimate Today’s Hyperpartisan Gerrymandering
Democrats and Republicans have not been so bitterly divided along partisan lines since Reconstruction or aggressively hostile to each other.
How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million At Trump Resort – And Cashed In
Payday lenders offer loans on the order of a few hundred dollars, typically to low-income borrowers, who have to pay them back in a matter of weeks.
O’Rourke Voting Rights Plan Seeks 65% National Voter Turnout
O’Rourke has unveiled a voting rights proposal he says can increase voter registration by 50 million and raise nationwide voter turnout to 65%.
How Sunday Church Collections Land In Pockets Of Lobbyists
The U.S. Catholic Church spent $10.6 million on lobbyists to prevent victims of clerical sex abuse from suing for damages.
Government Racing To Include Geospatial Data In The 2020 Census
Across the nation, officials overseeing geospatial information systems are looking to digital-mapping data to make their elections more efficient and fair.
At Odds With GOP, Trump Declares Support For Paper Voting
President Donald Trump on Thursday broke from some of his fellow Republicans by calling for paper ballots to be used in all states.
New York Senate Considers Automatic Voter Registration
State Senate held a hearing how NY can join 15 other states and implement automatic voter registration. Advocates said it could result in 2 million more.
Exile: Data Dump Shows More Russian Political Meddling
A prominent exiled Russian opposition figure says recently leaked documents show Russian meddling in U.S. affairs was more sophisticated.