Neil Wolfe became concerned upon hearing about the child sexual abuse going on and what has been coming out more of what Neil Wolfe feels is proving to show that titles like #Pizzagate are designed to discredit what is, in fact, a real international epidemic.
The action went from 1 to 4pm on a pretty cold Friday afternoon with Neil Wolfe and other speakers addressing the passersby and informing them of the reason for the action at One Police Plaza. One article AND radio interview that Neil Wolfe played on loud speaker outside One Police Plaza described the reason for the rally. Blackwater founder and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM that according to one of his “well-placed sources” in the New York Police Department, “The NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making” in the Anthony Weiner investigation, but received “huge pushback” from the Justice Department. Prince began by saying he had no problem believing reports that the FBI was highly confident multiple foreign agencies hacked Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
The New York City police department raided former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D -NY) home on allegations that he exchanged lewd texts with an underage girl. Weiner’s now -estranged wife Huma Abedin was a longtime Clinton aide. Over 650,000 emails were found on Weiner’s computer, some of which we have been lead to believe concern a widespread child trafficking ring involving our political and wealthy elite.
However, it is our understanding that the NYPD were compelled to cancel their press conference concerning what they found after immense pressure from AG Lynch’s DOJ. Although “fake news” and claims about the Russians being involved are being used in the same way that “false memories” and “satanic panic” were used to close down these investigations in the 80’s and 90’s – these dedicated men and women KNOW the truth.
When you compare this with what we have learned from Wikileaks , which has a 100% accuracy record, we can all see that this is cause for concern and action regarding these claims. We are imploring these brave souls to come forward – stand with the people who stand ready to support them – and disclose the TRUTH in what they know . We need to stand cohesively together in order to bring an end to this deplorable and despicable attack on our children as the decent people we are.

The NYPD was scheduled to have a press conference about what they found on Anthony Weiner’s had drive regarding child trafficking and pedophilia but, were shut down by the Department of Justice under Attorney General Lynch and, according to Erik Prince in the Breitbart radio interview, and threatened that 2 officers from the NYPD would be charged on the chokehold death of Staten Island man Eric Garner from July 17, 2014.
Neil Wolfe stressed the point that the Erik Prince interview on Breitbart radio was from November 2016 and that now, 5 months later, no evidence has been released and he is here to urge them to do the right thing. “THE EVIDENCE IS STILL BEING SAT UPON AND MYSELF AND A LOT OF OTHER AMERICANS THINK THAT’S UNACCEPTABLE”, said Wolfe.

In the fall of 2016 Wikileaks released the Podesta Emails that contained pedophile code talk- terms such as ‘pizza’ , ‘hot dogs’, ‘pasta’ , ‘map’ and others used out of context and absolutely nonsensical considering the true meaning of these words- as it turns out these are known terms used by child pedophile/ child traffickers.
Podesta’s code talk riddled emails led to many other individuals, particularly those inside the DC beltway including James Alefantis -owner of Comet Pizza in DC. After citizen investigators started to dig in and examine the ‘JimmyComet’ Instagram account many disturbing images as well as comments on those images were discovered.
In addition to that evidence a citizen journalist revealed just days ago that allegedly on or around December 5th, 2016 password protected pages on Comet Pizza’s website were found to contain child pornography- apparently this evidence was submitted to the DC Police who asked the researcher to remain silent about the information presumably so they could conduct an investigation- FOIA requests since reveal no such investigation has occurred.
Unfortunately this is not an issue exclusive to Washington DC or this particular scandal- it’s far more expansive and global in nature. Our mission is simple- to end child trafficking and crimes against children and make our world safe for children again forever. We will achieve our goal as decent human beings united in an unrelenting campaign where EVERY DAY MATTERS- children are suffering and dying daily.
Terms Of Surrender (TOS)
1- Release ALL children to closest hospital
2- Surrender to authorities
3- Confess to your crimes
4- Beg for forgiveness
Thank you all for your ongoing support- we call upon all decent human beings- the time has come for us to stand shoulder to shoulder- by the millions- around the globe- and put and end to these crimes against children. It’s time to come out from behind your web cams and key boards and take to the streets in peaceful demonstrations. The time has come for us all to talk to our friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers to spread awareness as most will feel compelled to act once they actually review the evidence at hand.
Please consider organizing an event in your area- we will be happy to assist you in this endeavor. Grateful and love you all!
Josephine Aronson addressing the crowd that had gathered at One Police Plaza on April the 7th bringing light to the very serious issue of child sex trafficking, abuse and pedophilia that has been coming out in documentaries such as the BANNED 1993 film by Yorkshire Television CONSPIRACY of SILENCE.
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