Before we can fix something, we have to be able to recognize that there is a problem, and right now we have one. Not to start on a sour note, this is precisely what happens when a country or society squelches, ignores and takes away the free speech and will of the people.
These things have been happening for some time now and the scary thing is it’s happening out in the open and all we have done seems to be to have hung out our heads and sigh. This is the behaviourf and mentality of a defeated people and dying if not dead democracy!
It has gotten to the place where many believe that it can’t get better, so why try? This leaves our country in a very precarious situation in which unraveling of sorts will happen and a downward spiral ensues. Our society is kind of like buying an old hot rod in bad condition or an abandoned house, and you come to the question of where to start?
I believe health care for all, single-payer, Medicare for all, whatever tag you want to throw at it will suffice. I believe that getting Medicare for all would help to change some of the bad air in the room and usher in some compassion, unity and a direction that would help solve some of our other pressing issues.
An example of such problems is the current pandemic. People would get the treatment they need and we could work more like a group and get better results. Instead, we are marginalized, silenced and the best ideas aren’t even considered.
That’s why democracy, i.e., free and fair elections and freedom of speech, is so essential to a healthy society and environment. We can’t go on this way and expect that things will ever get better. That would be insanity unless we change and change in a direction in which everyone has a say and an equal say.
If you say that money is speech, you immediately nullify democracy because some people have more money than others obviously and they have more money because they have more say. When the Supreme Court passed Citizens United I believe that was the date that The United States quit being a democracy.
The Supreme Court should never have had the option to decide whether or not to pass Citizens United because of the effect that it had on the country. It was a wrong decision by the Supreme Court and most would agree except for poor fools who choose to lie to themselves and others.
This is the temperament of the typical politicians that we have in our country and the mindset of the average oligarch! They sell illusions on a constant revolving set of talking points and supply-side economic pursuits, which only work in times of war. Maybe that’s why we are always in a time of war and are getting to the point of limited returns.
So if you care and want to fix this mess and all the rest of the problems that we have, you have to start with the truth, admit there’s a problem and suggest reasonable solutions that will fix the before stated problems instead of always throwing more money at the billionaires through their well-crafted schemes, tax breaks, and cons! It’s a tall order, but I believe our only hope.
Carolyn J Jones says
I agree with this article.
Jack Jones says
Thank you for your moral support and readership!