When society feels powerless due to inflation, war, or a struggling economy, people feel weakened and less confident. In such situations, they might turn to support groups, pursue higher education, or learn new trades. Positive involvement is, in my estimation, the best answer to life’s problems.
Moral and political decline often occur in societies where people lose hope and turn to others who claim to have all the answers. This happens instead of the wider community coming together to brainstorm solutions for the common good. Instead of fostering a positive group effort to address pressing concerns, too often authoritarian leaders seize control and begin to dominate the masses. In this depressed state, citizens become vulnerable, willing to give up freedoms for promises from leaders who assert their dominance. These leaders often marginalize individuals in similar circumstances and teach them to perpetuate the same cycle of oppression.
The antidote to this is individual hope, freedom, and a spirit of renaissance. Unions, women’s movements, hobbyist clubs, and any venue that encourages ability, skill, and education should be embraced. Such groups should petition governments to provide small business startup loans for ordinary individuals. Moreover, all products purchased by local and federal governments should prioritize local manufacturers. Stability and support must come through a strong sense of inclusiveness within the community. Otherwise, the outcome is often war and discrimination.
Bad actors thrive in negative environments, exploiting society’s weakened moral compass, often feeding on perceived fears and imaginary threats. Authoritarian leaders know only how to destroy, not to build. Their ambitions are rooted in tyranny and sadistic pursuits. Envy, jealousy, and the drive to tear others down for personal gain dominate their actions. Violence is their ultimate tool, motivated by merciless self-interest.
Government can indeed be used for good—no matter what Reagan said—if we have a well-functioning democracy. Collective thoughts and ideas that meet the demands of the present are part of an ongoing process. We are the answer and have always been so. It is the oppressive, vulgar, and inhumane words and actions of fascist regimes that bring us to the brink of blind desperation. The more we get involved and fulfill our civic responsibilities, the more we safeguard our future and keep authoritarian leaders at bay.
These leaders bait us with fear, hatred, and extremism, causing us to panic and make poor decisions while they carry off our wealth, future, and hope. Together, we must embrace tomorrow and realize that we are the answer to our problems.
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