abc57 news had this information from CNN:
The mess that unfolded in Iowa Monday night has put a spotlight on the voting infrastructure in the remaining state primary and caucus contests — and stoked fears of something similar happening as the race for the Democratic nomination rolls forward. But elections officials and party leaders in the majority of the remaining states tell CNN that what happened in Iowa won’t happen in their own contests.
The next contest, the New Hampshire primary, is just days away, followed by the Nevada caucuses on February 22, the South Carolina primary on February 29, and a slate of primaries in 14 states on March 3, also known as Super Tuesday.
In the wake of Iowa, CNN reached out this week to the other 49 states with upcoming nominating contests (plus the District of Columbia) to determine what contingency plans exist should things go wrong. Elections officials and party leaders in 34 of those states responded.
Read the full story here.
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