Seeking seat in Congress as Utah independent candidate requires uphill battle against incumbents
From Steve Tryon’s campaign website about us page:
Steve decided to run as an unaffiliated candidate because he believes we have to change the culture of Congress so members once again put the good of the country in front of their political party. As a leader with broad experience in business and government, Steve believes he has a unique contribution to make in transforming the culture of congress. He expressed his vision for increasing congressional transparency and accountability in his 2013 book, Accountability Citizenship.
A summary of his views was published by “The Hill” magazine’s Congress blog: https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/politics/316643–two-easy-ways-for-congress-to-raise-its-public-approval-rating#.ug-y9zbfvts.facebook From 2004-2014, Steve was a Senior Vice President with Utah-based internet retailer Overstock.com. During his nearly ten years on Overstock.com’s executive team, Steve managed the company’s logistics, people systems (human resources), international business, and facilities.
From 1983-2004, Steve was a Soldier. He served with the Joint Security Force on the DMZ in Korea, the 82d Airborne Division, and the 10th Mountain Division. Among his many awards as a Soldier, Steve earned the Ranger tab, Master Parachutist badge, and a Bronze Star Medal for valor.
Steve holds degrees from the United States Military Academy (West Point; Bachelor of Science 1983) and from Stanford University (Master of Arts in Philosophy 1992). He taught ethics at West Point from 1992-1995, served as a Senate fellow in 2001, and as the legislative liaison for the Army’s senior general in 2003. | Democracy, elections, and voting at Democracy Chronicles
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