Congressional Black Caucus Says Minority Vote in Jeopardy as Laws Build Barriers to the Voting Booth
Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Examines Voting Rights And New Age Discrimination
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) is devoting its National Town Hall meeting to examining Voting Rights and New Age Discrimination from 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. on September 20 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The town hall meeting is the centerpiece of the Foundation’s 42nd Annual Legislative Conference scheduled from September 19-22.
More than 20 states have changed their requirements for voting, which can affect a disproportionate number of African Americans, the disabled, and low income communities. The Foundation will bring together experts, the community, and academia to discuss how the new laws passed by several states have made it more difficult to vote. The panel will include:
Reps. John Lewis (Ga); Mel Watt (NC); and Marcia Fudge (Ohio) – CBC leads for anti-voter repression campaign
Donna Brazile – DNC Vice Chair of Voter Registration and Participation; Democratic political strategist CNN
Dr. Marc Lamont Hill – CNN Commentator, Host of Our World Black Enterprise; Columbia Professor of Education
Reverend Al Sharpton -President of National Action Network (NAN), and host of MSNBC’s PoliticsNation
Crystal Wright – Conservative Columnist; political commentator
Ron Christie – Founder/President of Christie Strategies; Republican Political Strategist
“Millions of voters will be facing serious challenges as the result of the restrictive voting laws put in place across the country. Panelists will discuss the implications of the new measures and offer strategies for ensuring that all have a fair and just opportunity to cast their vote in November,” said Menna Demessie, Ph.D., senior research and policy analyst for CBCF.
In addition, the Foundation will distribute a voter guide toolkit on flash drives. These drives will include information on voter registration and identification laws in each state, the latest developments regarding voter identification legislation, and opportunities for civic engagement to repeal the voter identification laws. The toolkit will also be available on CBCF’s web site – www.cbcfinc.org after September 20.
“We want people to be prepared before the election. It is too important an issue to be left to chance,” said Dr. Demessie. “This toolkit is a step-by-step instruction guide to ensure voters are properly registered and ready to vote.”
ALC provides an outlet to highlight the mission of CBCF – to develop leaders, to inform policy, and to educate the public. It also provides dozens of forums to address the critical challenges facing the African-American community. The Foundation will offer numerous session tracks to present high level, thought-provoking, engaging, and useful information. CBCF will return its Emerging Leaders Series and will host the very popular Black Party. There are opportunities for attendees to engage with entrepreneurs and build wealth through the exhibit hall and author’s pavilion. In addition, scholarship recipients in the performing arts will be recognized during the Celebration of Leadership, CBC members and spouses will join together for a community outreach project with U.S. veterans and the conference will culminate with its awards/fundraising dinner. Proceeds from ALC are used to fund educational opportunities and program outreach.
The conference is recognized as one of the most important gatherings of African-American leaders in the nation. In addition, attendees recognize the importance of what CBCF accomplishes in the community and have supported the Foundation’s efforts to provide scholarships, internships, and fellowships to improve economic parity and to decrease health disparities.
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The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc., was established in 1976 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit, public policy, research and education institute to help improve the socioeconomic circumstances of African Americans and other underserved communities.
SOURCE Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
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