Constitution Party Plea and the Founding Fathers – Founding Fathers warned of ills that bind modern America argues emphatic Constitution Party plea | Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
Founding Fathers Warned Against Departure From Basic Principles
One of the most remarkable observations is the study of how the American Founding Fathers warned against departure from basic principles. It seems that those who lay foundations for great civilizations are quite aware of the seeds of pride, selfishness
As members of the Constitution Party of New Mexico (CPNM), we firmly uphold the vision, values and sacrifice of those brave patriots who originally stood for liberty and built this nation upon a moral foundation of Biblical principles.
We believe that our federal government was created to be the servant of the colony/states, not their master! Our founding fathers struggled against tyranny and the imposed control of a centralized government. They did not strive for, or envision anything close to what we have today in the United States of America.
We are convinced that for several generations, our federal government has gradually and unconstitutionally seized control of nearly every aspect of our lives. In addition to this, the relentless growth of humanistic and liberal philosophies within our culture is transforming our country into a post-Christian, secular wasteland. And now we must endure our government’s unconstitutional attempts to spread this perverted type of “democracy” around the world.
We believe that the Democratic Party has shifted so far to the left that it is firmly entrenched in Socialism, and the Republican Party has abandoned its long held values (although not necessarily the rhetoric) and is rapidly catching up to them. Only the Constitution Party offers a conservative, Christian based challenge to this headlong rush into more government control, less personal freedom, financial crisis, moral chaos, and the one world government predicted in the Bible.
Our Primary Mission:
Both the Democratic and Republican Parties have long since departed from any real concern for upholding the Constitution of the United States, or the values and founding principles our nation was originally built upon. The primary mission of the Constitution Party is to sound the alarm and to call America back to her roots and God-given destiny.
Our primary purpose together is to provide a clear, strong alternative to the voters of New Mexico. The means of doing this will be through a grass roots movement that focuses on educating and mobilizing the population. To do this we will have to challenge the very systems and ideologies that have brought us to this place. And we will have to do it against tradition and popular opinion and without endless reserves of money, lobbyists, and media coverage.
We must remain clear that our primary focus is the political arena – not religious, economic or militaristic. In order to achieve our goals, we will not allow ourselves to be divided or sidetracked by personal or minor differences; nor by an unhealthy preoccupation with secondary issues or tangents that will not be understood or accepted by most Americans. We will strive to educate, empower and prepare New Mexicans for the future, whatever that may hold. We will challenge and even oppose all ideologies and trends that take us further away from these founding principles and values.
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