The Problem: Government has lost its way. Federal departments and agencies are out of touch with what the American public wants and expects. Some departments and agencies have failed this nation for decades with no accountability and no apparent remorse.
The Bigger Mess: We need tax reform, trade reform, fiscal reform, immigration reform, regulatory reform, justice reform, education reform and health care services available to all of us. We want a government that honors our commitments to veterans and heals our broken trust and broken treaties with native American and Alaskan Indian communities. We want a government that encourages business growth while improving worker safety and protecting our environment.
We want all that and we want accountability to matter again. For example, the U. S. Department of Education has failed this nation for decades. Fixing government means most of all getting results and spending taxpayer monies wisely.
The Big Idea: In Conversations with America, every department and agency will re-establish their true purpose and priorities. I do not mean listening sessions. I mean the American public will drive how we define the new purpose and priorities of our government of the people by the people and for the people. These will be hard discussions – yet this is the only way to rebuild trust and create a government that makes sense in the 21st century.
The Solution:
- With input from the American public, every federal department and agency will review and revise their vision, purpose, goals and priorities.
- The White House will consult to the design of these Conversations with America.
- The regional Federal Executive Boards will play a central role coordinating and summarizing these agency dialogs.
- These Conversations with America will inform White House – Congressional discussions establishing goals and strategies for government-wide reform efforts.
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