While there are more billionaires being made in China, it is now time to note and understand the condition of our fallen empire. We did not get here by accident. It was the plan and purpose of Wall Street and the banking community, an unholy alliance between two greedy oppressive whores that sold our country and families down the river.
Wall Street and the banking community are the ones for we’ve bailed out but who stick it to us no matter how hard we try to be decent to them. We our on our descent to being a second rate nation because of these two leeches, of which we will not recover. They will try to succeed through military oppression but will ultimately fail because our country is on the wrong side of history and humanity. And our elites or filthy rich have exploited us and the rest of the world to their own peril.
It’s called karma, something that people from the East understand. In Christianity, it’s called reaping and sowing, but in our benign culture, we believe we can screw people over in our investment and the recipe will still turn out okay. You see, the people you screw over will be your future bosses or future buyers or future suppliers and they might be the ones setting the terms.
So next time you have Congress or one of your co-conspirators write banking laws that keep the working class from filing bankruptcy from predatory school loans with rates double the cost of home loans, you could possibly understand why and how you destroyed this great nation and its economy. But you won’t. You want all the money, power and ignorance you can gather. It’s just a shame you have to destroy our lives along with yours.
Arizona Willie says
When Reagan was elected it marked the end of America as we have known it.
It has taken them a few years to achieve their objective(s) but they are almost complete.
They have militarized the police forces which is the first step in creating a Police State.
They have corrupted the voting process and we can no longer trust that our votes count or count for the person we voted for.,
The people are dispirited. Over half no longer bother to vote.
Many / most of the people have to work two jobs to keep a roof over their head while the 1% keep raking in the money which is more than they can ever spend in their lifetime.
America is actually a 2nd world nation now with our children going to bed hungry and many adults too.
We have beggars on the streets and it is only going to get worse.
People are under so much stress that workplace shootings have become common as laid off workers take revenge.
One state wants to split into 3 because some of the people don’t want to pay taxes to help the other parts of the state. GREED.
Unless the voters rise up for the mid-term elections and throw current legislators out en masse and again in 2020, I’m afraid America is doomed.