Part of the reason Trump won the Presidential election was that the Democratic Party sold out the middle class. Yes, everybody knows this and everybody told me they know this. But the real underlying problem is that the Republicans have now moved even further to the right, becoming bigger jerks, so they could get their hands on even more of America’s colossal corporate money. That is how it all started.
During the 2016 elections, the Democratic Party wanted us to accept the status quo because they had been on the take too. Times were better than George Bush Jr. had left them and I think Hillary did not want to insult the Obama economic legacy. I believe it was this strategy that cost Hillary the election.
Yes, I voted for Hillary but the people who lost their jobs, the down and out, weren’t looking for the status quo. They wanted change and a revolution, that’s what Donald Trump promised. Trump has even tried to deliver something, even though, in my opinion, he’s actually made things worse. But to the people who support him all they want is someone who will make promises and try.
I’m not saying the Democrats are completely to blame, I remember the Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner blocking everything President Obama tried to pass. The Republicans made their best efforts to block everything except for the car industry and banking bailouts.
The Republicans cost our country billions of dollars in job growth throughout Obama’s presidency and I still think they should be prosecuted as traitors for playing partisan politics during a time of national crisis. Their aim was simply to win at all costs and to make the Democrats look ineffective.
Among the most important and biggest of the economic development bills that was killed was a bill that Nancy Pelosi tried to pass that would have given corporations tax breaks to move back to the states and produce goods here, a bipartisan issue. That bill passed the House of Representatives but John Boehner and his Republican colleague in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, were focused on a policy of delay and destroy towards any Obama policy that might help the American people.
Actually the Republican Party made a pact on the day of President Obama’s inauguration to block any and everything the Democrats would try to pass under Obama. Obama remained calm, cool and collected under a consistent flow of the most heinous forms of bigotry and hate. He wasn’t a wild civil rights leader and he proposed no extreme policy changes in any direction except for gradual reforms towards making the country more fair, honest and dignified.
That bill that Speaker Pelosi tried to pass makes a lot more sense than the 1.5 trillion dollar tax cuts Trump made. Trump’s tax breaks are simply a more extreme repeat of what Reagan did before he ruined the middle class and later had to raise taxes to fix the massive debt buildup.
A lot of the bad blood between the two parties started with the ill intentions of Newt Gingrich who not only wanted to win politically but wanted to demonize and ostracize the Democratic Party to oblivion. Prior to this political thug, politicians would regularly eat, workout and drink together, but no more. Modern Republican politicians consider themselves above the rank and file Democrats and would have no such relations or regard for politicians of low moral standing.
Again the sad thing is it’s we and our families who pay the price while these unscrupulous men play their games. Sometimes I even think the rich want the economy to be bad on purpose. For example, longtime Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan made sure there were always people out of work. 4-5% unemployment was the policy goal, about 12 million Americans, so there would be low inflation and the business community would be in the driver’s seat.
If things are crazy and chaotic the rich can do whatever they want with less resistance, and ultimately the filthy rich are fighting a two front war. They hate the idea of inflation and fight it with all their might so they can keep the value of their current assets. Most importantly, they are hell bent on accumulating all future income and, since Reagan, they have done a cleanup job of this endeavor. It’s debtors and poor people that benefit from inflation especially if your wages go up. So yeah, as Bernie Sanders has said the system is rigged.
RicardoCustom says
The hacking of democracy occurred in the Nixon era with the Legislative reorganization act which opened up the legislation process to special interests.
Jack Jones says
I agree