President takes her first Oath of Office in Liberia with range of dangers facing post-war nation | Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
Liberia’s Sirleaf takes presidential oath in ‘land of hope’
By Adolphus Mawolo (AFP) – Jan 16, 2012
MONROVIA — Liberia’s Nobel peace laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was sworn in Monday in a lavish $1.2 million ceremony and called for reconciliation after her reelection in disputed polls divided the nation.
With US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in attendance, the 73-year-old grandmother took the oath administered by the country’s Chief Justice Johnnie Lewis as thousands looked on from the grounds of the Capitol building.
“We have earned our rightful place as a beacon of democracy, a country of hope and of opportunity,” Sirleaf said marking her ascent to a second term in office since the end of a brutal 14-year war.
“The cleavages that led to decades of war still run deep but so too does the longing for reconciliation.”
Sirleaf said the nation needed a process of national healing not defined “by tribe, region, religions or ethnicity but by equality of opportunity and a better future for every Liberian.”
This meant “creating jobs, opportunities and giving our young people the skills they need to prosper and create the life they choose”.
But she also added: “Today we can say with conviction that our country has turned the corner.
“Liberia is no longer a place of conflict, war and deprivation. We are no longer the country are citizens want to run away from.”
A senior US official also praised Liberia’s “very significant history of women’s engagement in bringing that conflict to an end”.
After a troubled election and riots mostly attended by youths who face high levels of unemployment, Sirleaf said government should offer a worthy education so young people “can get a job and know the dignity of receiving an honest day’s wage”.
Before the ceremony Sirleaf held private talks with Clinton, who visited the nation on a whirlwind four-country trip of Africa, and discussed the impact of corruption.
“Corruption is one of the roadblocks to greater prosperity here in Liberia,” Clinton said after opening the new US embassy in Monrovia following Sirleaf’s swearing-in ceremony.
“Of course, it’s something we deal with all over the world, so we need good ideas.
“We want Liberia to help lead the way in how you can eliminate the cancer of corruption, which just zaps people’s energies and undermines their initiative.”
“We’re going to do everything we can to make sure they get to the destination of democracy, prosperity, peace and security safely.”
Clinton praised the west African nation’s progress eight years after the end of a 14-year conflict which left some 250,000 dead.
“Democracy hasn’t just sprouted in Liberia, it has taken root,” she said.
“The real test of a democracy’s strength isn’t the first election — it’s the second and the third and all the ones that follow.”
Clinton said she “was pleased to be here for the second inauguration of President Sirleaf, because I’ve known Ellen for a long time.
“I have a great deal of admiration and appreciation for the work she is doing, along with her other colleagues in government.”
While the government said some 30 heads of state would attend the ceremony, few were visible — among them Guinea’s Alpha Conde, Senegal’s Abdoulaye Wade and Sierra Leone’s Ernest Koroma.
Sirleaf’s bitter rival, main opposition presidential candidate Winston Tubman also attended, after accepting her election win on the eve of the inauguration following weeks of negotiations as he protested her victory.
“We recognise that Madam Sirleaf is the president of Liberia,” Tubman said Sunday.
“Since the elections, we have been holding negotiations with the government on how to resolve the disagreement… and having had fruitful discussions, we feel confident that the CDC will be incorporated in the government,” he added.
Africa’s “Iron Lady” won a joint Nobel Peace Prize in October, just days before a first round of voting in the presidential election, which the opposition said was riddled with fraud.
This led Tubman to boycott the run-off and call a protest on the eve of the November 8 poll which turned violent and saw police open fire on his supporters, leaving up to four dead.
Sirleaf eventually won 90.7 percent of votes in the run-off, but turnout was low and the opposition then refused to accept her victory, a blow to the nation hoping to cement its fragile democracy eight years after war ended.
The inauguration ceremony closed with a parade by security forces through the streets of Monrovia and floats representing Liberia’s 15 counties.
Several inaugural balls and receptions will be held in different districts on Monday night.
Foreign Minister Toga McIntosh has said that a budget of 1.2 million dollars (950,000 euros) was approved for the ceremony in what is one of Africa’s poorest countries.
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