The recently designed California Motor Voter Program of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) had hardly been inaugurated when it started facing problems, notably erroneous registrations. 105000 faulty registrations were recorded in the months following the program’s rather hasty roll-out. Its operators subsequently said the issues had been addressed but the latest in line in this story is the undue voting of six Californians in last year’s mid terms because of DMV errors. Bryan Anderson of the Sacramento Bee has reported this news. He states that,
Six California residents who were erroneously added onto the voter rolls voted in last year’s midterms, the Secretary of State’s Office confirmed Friday afternoon following a months-long investigation.
According to Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s office, all six individuals voted in the primary and two of them also cast ballots in the 2018 general election. Their records have since been canceled and they are not being charged with a crime.
After a through review, Padilla concluded they were inadvertently registered through the state’s Motor Voter program “due to DMV errors.” The residents live in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego counties.
Election law blog has the full story.
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