Looking through the lens of history, Ronald Reagan is arguably the most successful post-war American president. Reagan was a truly transformational leader who brought about American prosperity after the stagflation-hit 1970s, laying the foundations for Cold War victory and revitalizing American conservatism in late-twentieth century politics. As a result of his sweeping tax reform of 1986 Reagan presided over one of the largest economic booms in American history. Interestingly, he didn’t follow the path of the traditional career politician.
After successful careers as a Hollywood movie actor, radio sports host, and television personality, Ronald Reagan turned to politics. In many ways, Donald Trump is the “Ronald Reagan” of our time. As if arising from Obama’s ashes, Donald Trump shocked the world with his resounding victory in the 2016 election. The real estate developer turned reality TV star defeated sixteen well qualified Republican candidates, the Bush dynasty, and the Clinton dynasty. All of the television pundits, professional pollsters, lobbyists, and political elites were pulverized by Donald Trump’s wide wake.
Just like Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, is seen as intensely pro-American. This is contrary to Obama who openly decried American exceptionalism, apologized to the world for America, and pushed a globalist agenda. Obama’s anti-Americanism became radicalized over the course of his two terms and led America to turn against traditional U.S. allies simply because that showed a commitment to the globalist ideology.
Trump presented voters with the polar opposite. A real chance for America to break free from the grip of political correctness and all of its corollaries, to secure its borders, preserve national security by acting on undeniable realities even if they do not fit the politically correct narrative, and to restore U.S. excellence and leadership.
Trump’s presidency meant nothing less than a complete disruption of the existing political order. Trump has promised to build a wall on our southern border to keep out illegal immigrants – the exact opposite of the existing multiculturalist political order; in the face of the prevailing cries to end income inequality, he brags he is worth $10 billion; and in sharp contrast to Obama’s abandonment of Israel, Trump unapologetically acknowledged Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
Trump openly embraces American exceptionalism and believes America belongs to Americans. His “America First” agenda sets a new beginning for America implementing respectful nationalism. Similarly, Reagan set a new beginning for America following the economic malaise of the Carter years, Watergate trauma, and Vietnam.
Perhaps one of the most successful legislative achievements of Donald Trump’s presidency has been the passing of sweeping tax cuts and tax reform. Similar to Reagan, Trump, is greatly reducing the regulatory and tax burden on American businesses, so that free-market capitalism can flourish.
Since Donald Trump was elected President the stock market has gone gangbusters. For the first time in history, the DOW average climbed more than 5k points in a year. It reached 20K five days after Trump’s inauguration then continued to – 21K, 22K, 23K, 24K, and 25K all before Tax Reform was signed into law. The stock market gained 7.8 trillion in market value since President Trump was elected. Consumer confidence is at a 17-year high, unemployment is at a 17-year low, and we have the lowest level of claims for unemployment in 44 years.
Although the economy and tax reform are certainly among Trump’s most successful achievements in his first year they are far from his only ones.
Trump slashed regulations by eliminating “two old rules for every one new rule” saving approximately $560 million; Illegal immigration is down a staggering 70% (before the Wall); ISIS is in retreat having lost approximately 98% of their territory under POTUS; we pulled out of the baffling Paris Climate Accords; Trump’s Travel Ban was approved by SCOTUS; Wall prototypes have been prepared; North Korea has been put on notice after decades of politicians on both sides of the aisle kicking the ‘nuclear can’ down the road; Trump has opened up communication between North Korea and South Korea; and Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
Historically speaking this has been a tremendously successful year for Trump’s administration.
Lately, many of President Trump’s critics point to low approval ratings as a sign the President is not popular. Fascinatingly, Ronald Reagan had historically low approval ratings in this first term. In 1983 Reagan had a 35% job approval rating – the worst of his administration. This was the year before Reagan swept the map carrying 49 of the 50 states. Trump’s poll numbers will continue to improve as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Bill begin to unleash the economy, create even more jobs, raise wages, and grow our GDP. This sets the stage for the possibility of another landslide election in 2020, given that, no Democrats voted for the bill.
Like Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, stands to become a truly transformational leader. If he continues to deliver results in the face of harsh criticism from both sides of the aisle, the liberal mainstream media, and the dominant culture he will go down as one of America’s greatest Presidents in modern history, possibly ever. It takes a certain kind of man to stand up and show the resolve needed to defy an entire world of political elites, including his own party’s establishment, awaken the sleeping giant, spark a revolution, and take our country back. Donald Trump has already done that and if he continues to deliver results there is nothing that can stop him.
Adrian Tawfik says
Love having the diversity of opinion on DC but I do just disagree with this. Reagan’s domestic legacy is the beginning of an era from 1980 to today where this country has gotten richer but everyone other than the top income brackets gained nothing. Anyway Trump, in my humble opinion, is no good. I believe he is likely to be charged with obstruction of justice, treason and many other charges before the end of the summer thanks to Robert Mueller. Also, Trump is racist. Our country has spent untold billions and the lives of many good Americans to gain allies and support democracy in Africa, a continent ravaged by colonialism, and Trump just calls them shitholes. Goodbye support for America in Africa.