From Election Law Blog:
NYT: “The state is consumed by finger-pointing and finger-wagging as election officials, lawmakers and voters try to make sense of what went wrong on Election Day and during early voting. A record number of Florida voters — 8.4 million, or 70 percent of those registered — cast ballots. Of those, 2.1 million people voted early, and 2.4 million sent absentee ballots.”
CNN: “Gov. Rick Scott of Florida on Saturday said he requested a review of his state’s voting processes with a particular emphasis on areas where voters waited four hours or longer to cast their ballots. … But last cycle, the state allowed two weeks of early voting, which was shortened this year to eight days. Election boards were permitted to schedule as little as 48 hours of early voting.”
Miami Herald:“Gov. Rick Scott on Friday defended the state’s handling of the election, while his elections chief said the state bears some responsibility for long voting lines and late vote counts.”
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