Ana María López Ayala, Karla Mora Laveaga and Katrin Loebel had this information in the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Here is an exerpt:
Due to Covid-19, 10 of the 16 elections scheduled in Latin America for 2020 were postponed. While, for the most part, Latin American countries are taking the necessary health measures to control the pandemic, it is of crucial importance to ensure political and voting rights are safeguarded. The crisis has not only forced governments to make political and electoral decisions assertively, but also to act considering the social, economic and political impact. The democratic and electoral future of the region depends on how this situation is addressed, both at the national and regional levels. Hence, it becomes a priority to build spaces and mechanisms of cooperation and coordination to strengthen the regional capacity to face the crisis.
The group of electoral experts is a space for dialogue and exchange of good practices and recommendations. It collects the experiences of various Latin American countries on how to address elections in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, its main purpose is to gather proposals and knowledge from the Latin American perspective for electoral authorities to use them as tools for decision-making.
Group of Electoral Authorities and Experts’ Meetings
Since 5 May 2020, representatives of regional electoral bodies and electoral experts from different countries—Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela and United States—have participated in the meetings. Throughout 18 sessions, the group has focused on the following topics:
Read the full article here to find out.
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