Take a look at this report below. The horrific experience of popular musician and artist, Emmanuel Jal comes to light. His endurance, transformation and the message he offers is worth understanding.
Born in the part of Sudan that has now become South Sudan, Jal witnessed his family being murdered barbarically and was drafted as a child soldier in that horribly violent conflict known as the Second Sudanese Civil War. Jal describes the birth of his anger and how he felt desire to take revenge on as many Muslims as possible. Journeying through Sudan to Ethiopia was more or less horrifying as he among others children were tortured, brainwashed and at times forced to watch kids being beaten to death for not abiding to the rules of their rebel leaders.
Being able to hand an AK-47 at the age of nine, he somehow survived fighting in front lines of three major battles in South Sudan. Jal then successfully executed his escape plan with about 400 other kids who mostly died along the way, leaving just Jal and 15 others who survived to the end of that journey.
Finding Emma McCune was a stepping stone for Jal which permitted him an entirely new life. His passion for music led him to pursue education at the university level yet he was unable to complete his studies due to endless trouble obtaining his travel visas.
Music indeed lightened his soul and gave him a new dimension in life. Without any aspirations of becoming a recording artist, Jal was particularly moved by one of artist P. Diddy’s songs titled “My Best Friend”.
Never relenting, Emmanuel Jal’s amazing life story and his passion for life captivates the minds of fans from both home and abroad. His story and his musical cry for peace is an inspiration to all who listen. Recently, The Economists published a video in which Jal talks about his story of success despite facing the worst odds. It is highly recommended for viewing and is only about six minutes. Take a look!!
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