Senate rejects Medicaid expansion for 1 million after vote in non-transparent Senate committee
Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles – Conservative Florida governor Rick Scott surprised many with his support of a Medicaid expansion plan in February. On Monday, however, the plan was shot down by a key legislative committee. Reuters reported that the Senate Select Committee on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act voted 7-4 to reject the expansion, with all of the committee’s Republican members voting against the plan championed by Scott.
A House legislative committee rejected the expansion last week, with the Senate committee’s vote its final rejection unless political leaders agree to present a new compromise bill later in the current legislative session. Despite the crippling rejection on Medicaid expansion, the Senate is attempting to compromise by creating additional options to help low income families afford private insurance plans. The new plan would allow families to choose a program based on income through a healthcare exchange called Florida Healthy Kids.
Committee Chairman Joe Negron was quoted by The Sun Sentinel on the decision saying, “I hope that this plan in the future will get the funding that would help the million of people in Florida that do deserve this health care, that are worthy of this health care,” Negron said.
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