I don’t have cable so I don’t get to watch cable news very often. So when I’m at my sister in law’s I like to take the opportunity to see what they’re all about with my own eyes. Especially FOX News.
Somehow even without cable the sense I have of CNN and MSNBC is pretty close to the reality and maybe this is because I see enough clips or commentary about them in my social media and non-cable TV viewing. This is especially true with Trump attacking them so often. He really is the best thing to happen to mainstream liberal media since I guess Bush two. No wonder they devoted so much airtime to Trump during his campaign. Ka-ching.
But FOX, on the other hand, is shockingly not what I expected. Sure they’re slanted to the right. And there are plenty of crazy opinions from their roster of ideologues, especially the later. But despite that, there’s also plenty of real, relatively objective news. And a surprising amount of criticism of Trump! It’s easy to see why so many people who may have felt ignored or disrespected by mainstream liberal media have been swayed by their influence.
If you have cable but don’t watch FOX, I highly suggest you make it a regular part of your viewing habits if only to get a better sense of what the mainstream conservative media are telling their viewers. Know your “enemy” and all that. It’s not enough to only hear mainstream liberal media’s interpretation of what FOX is selling. I imagine that’s something akin to conservative FOX viewers believing everything they hear about CNN and MSNBC (which are far from the left wing extremists, for the most part, that FOX paints them to be) without ever watching for themselves.
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