How come hedge fund managers and people who get paid in stocks only pay 20% while everybody else make less money and have to pay almost double that tax percentage? After all the write offs these fat cats make, our tax system is actually very regressive.
We now have 13.1 million households with children that often are forced by poverty to go without food, but we still rely on a system of corporate welfare for the richest people. This is, of course, only because those with the resources to do so have bribed the politicians and, in doing so, they have stolen from you and I. We let these thieves get away with these criminal acts that have led to our own demise.
It’s not like the super wealthy have a history of lobbying for better pay, cheaper healthcare or better working conditions. If anything they are responsible for making our lives hell. We lay back and by doing so have let the government allow these abuses and reward those responsible for destroying our prospects of a happy life. Now, our leadership is set on a policy of enticing corporations to move back to the states and abandon their sweatshops abroad by offering to outlaw unions, clean water and social security.
What are you and I getting in return harassments and threats? The Taiwanese company Foxconn, whom Trump and the Republican Party have praised, is now coming to America. Foxconn is widely known as one of the worst companies in the world to work for. In 2010 alone, they had 14 employees kill themselves. In 2011, 150 people threatened to commit a grand mass-suicide demonstration against working conditions but were talked down. At that same facility in Shenzhen, China they had to put up suicide nets because of the anguish and harsh treatment the employees were going through by low wages and terrible working conditions.
So, this is the environment that corporate America has in mind for us. It’s not a secret. We should raise hell in response and even raise a finger for effect. This all a precedent for the future they’re setting up, one that is designed to bring us down to the worst working conditions in the world as cheap (and compliant) labor for our corporate overlords. You tell me: who’s being conned?
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