I believe we should put on the yellow vests to show solidarity with our French brothers and sisters. It is time to come together for global relief to the citizens of the world! The Oligarchs have used race, religion, class and even education to keep us separated, to keep us from collectively ironing out our problems in this democracy!
A united front is what it takes to get the job done and that is what’s happening in France. Conservatives and liberals are coming together for the common good seeking change. American solidarity with the yellow vest protests would be progress because today a great percentage of our problems are the result and actions of transnational actors like corporations who seek to exploit the resources of the world while avoiding taxes.
Many of the world leaders are influenced by these transnational corporation and I believe it’s time for its citizens to assemble transnationally for our concerns! United we stand! Sure the protests started over a gasoline tax. That is the issue. The Oligarchs want you and I to pay all the taxes and definitely pay a much higher tax percentage than they do.
Should this act of thievery continue? No! This is the problem, world governments have adopted Reaganomics and it is poised to take us all down. How about no more tax-free billionaires? We need to be raising the top tax rate to where it was prior to Reagan and enforcing it. How about enforcing the Sherman Antitrust Act to rid our country of these evil monopolies? Most of all let’s stand together with our fellow citizens for a better world that is united achieve the people’s goals.
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