Major parties battle over voter registration groups as Georgia minority voters face new barriers to ballot
There’s something fishy going on in Georgia. On the eve of the midterm elections—with high profile Senate and gubernatorial races on the line—a group undertaking a historic effort to register tens of thousands of minority voters is all of a sudden under investigation by Georgia’s Republican secretary of state’s office. And the crime doesn’t quite match…
The Fix Is In In Georgia. But Which Side Is Crooked?
Democracy, elections, and voting
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Yesterday, The Hispanic Institute launched a bilingual public service announcement video encouraging Hispanics to vote in this November’s midterm elections. The video — which transitions seamlessly between English and Spanish — is part of the Institute’s 2014 Get-Out-The-Vote campaign. “America’s 54 million Hispanics owe it to themselves and their families…
The Hispanic Institute Launches Bilingual PSA for Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign
AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Today, people all across the country will celebrate the third annual National Voter Registration Day. Texas Secretary of State Nandita Berry is reminding Texans to register by October 6 for the November 4 Election. “I am committed to making sure every eligible Texan has the information they need to…
Secretary Berry Marks National Voter Registration Day
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — 2014 is a mid-term election year. All 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are contested, as well as 36 of the 100 U.S. Senate seats. Gubernatorial elections will be held in 36 states and three territories, along with many state and local races. Voting rules vary from state…
Election Day is Approaching – Are You Registered to Vote?
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