The use of electronic devices in the voting process is highly controversial in Georgia. The following is from a recent post on Ballot Access News titled, “Some Georgia Voters File Lawsuit for Paper Ballots in June 20 Special U.S. House Election”:
On May 25, some Georgia voters filed a state court lawsuit against the Georgia Secretary of State, seeking an order that the government use paper ballots for the upcoming June 20 special U.S. House election. Georgia uses vote-counting machines that do not have an audit trail. The case is Curling v Kemp, Superior Court, Fulton County, 2017cv-290630. A hearing is set for June 7 at 10 a.m. There has been prior litigation in Georgia against the vote-counting equipment. So far none of them has succeeded.
From a petition to require paper ballots. Sign the petition here:
The confidence of the People of the United States of America in our form of government and the election process for various reasons and perceptions, whether justified or unjustified, has been eroded to a point that is not good for our continued existence as a nation of States that are united. Today, there is a prevalent perception that we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils, and that in fact there is no lesser of two, but rather two faces of the same evil, presented by two political parties that dominate our local and federal elections.
The confidence of the American People in the governments of the nation and the States is arguably the lowest it has ever been. Adding to this, we have seen the advent of electronic voting machines that are used in our elections, further raising the skepticism regarding whether we have a real voice in determining who our elected officials will be. This leaves us wondering whether the voting is rigged for the benefit of certain entities that do not have our interest at heart, but rather their own pockets and hold on power.
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