From Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights:
WASHINGTON – The Leadership Conference Education Fund, The Campaign Legal Center, and Access Democracy launched a voter education campaign this week focused on Georgia’s voters with pending registrations. The groups sent postcard mailers and a series of text messages outlining what these impacted voters need to bring to the polls to ensure their ballots are counted.
“Even if their registrations are pending, voters still have the right to vote if they bring their photo identification as required by Georgia law,” said Leigh Chapman, director of the voting rights program at The Leadership Conference Education Fund. “It is imperative that these voters have accurate information about how to make their voice heard on November 6.”
“This campaign fills an important gap by educating voters in Georgia, as the state has pursued anti-voter policies,” said Danielle Lang, senior legal counsel, voting rights and redistricting at the Campaign Legal Center. “While we wait for our court case to be resolved in Georgia, it is important that voters in the state know their rights and show up to vote.”
“Our democracy works best when more of us show up and participate,” said Hannah Fried, executive director of Access Democracy, a project of The Leadership Conference Education Fund. “Increasing voter education and participation, especially in the face of barriers to vote, strengthens our democracy with accurate, representative elections.”
For more information about the pending registrations in Georgia and how voter
s can successfully cast their ballot, visit The Campaign Legal Center’s Know Your Rights page.
The Leadership Conference Education Fund builds public will for federal policies that promote and protect the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States. The Education Fund’s campaigns empower and mobilize advocates around the country to push for progressive change in the United States. It was founded in 1969 as the education and research arm of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. For more information on The Education Fund, visit https://leadershipconferenceedfund.org/.
Campaign Legal Center (CLC) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C, holding candidates and government officials accountable regardless of political affiliation. It fights the current threats to our democracy in the areas of campaign finance, voting rights, redistricting and ethics. For more information, visit https://campaignlegal.org.
Access Democracy, a project of The Leadership Conference Education Fund, is dedicated to identifying and solving local election administration problems that stand between voters and the ballot. Access Democracy brings data-driven organizing and advocacy to the local level, where elections are run, working to expand and protect access to the ballot. For more information, visit https://accessdemocracy.us.
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