Common Cause has made a press release titled “Formal Impeachment Inquiry Necessitated by Escalating Abuse of Office by President Trump“. In the release, Common Cause throws its support behind the formal impeachment inquiry on President Trump over his Ukraine phone call and suggests guardrails for success.
From Common Cause
The escalating abuse of presidential powers and continued stonewalling by the White House have necessitated the launch of a formal impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives and Common Cause continues to support such an investigation. Americans deserve to know the truth whether President Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, as well as abuses of power. And as Americans we deserve the system of co-equal branches of government enshrined in the United States Constitution. A formal impeachment investigation is required to safeguard the coequal status of the branches of our government and ensure that Congress is able to conduct its oversight responsibilities.
It is encouraging that members of both parties on the Senate Intelligence Committee have come together to seek the truth about President Trump pressuring the Ukrainian President to investigate a political rival. But it is long past time for congressional Republicans in both the House and the Senate to put their country before their party and curb the escalating abuses of power by President Trump.
The Impeachment inquiry proceedings should proceed deliberatively and expeditiously and as publicly as possible. The inquiry needs dedicated staffing and resources in its pursuit of the truth. The administration must allow witnesses to testify and turn over all evidence requested in the inquiry. Continued stonewalling and erroneous claims of executive privilege must not be tolerated by any Member of Congress.
See full story here.
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