The latest news comes from a really interesting article by the local independent Hawaii newspaper, Big Island Now:
This legislative session has witnessed the introduction of numerous bills addressing the need to reform Hawai‘i’s elections.

While the League of Women Voters supports all efforts to improve voter access, educate voters, and encourage voting, it is the accuracy and security to voter rolls provided through automatic voter registration (AVR) that is the first step to greater voter engagement. The League is gratified to see 10 AVR bills, from both the Senate and House, indicating that the public wants this reform. Many worthwhile approaches are being considered.
As the bills have sifted out, the League believes the most efficient way to proceed, while also leaving the option for AVR to be expanded, lies with the bills that are tied to the application for a Hawai‘i’s driver’s license or state I.D. Under these bills, SB412 and HB1217, when eligible voters apply for a State driver’s license or State ID card, they will automatically be signed up to vote, unless they decline.
Read the full article found here or get in touch with the League of Women Voters of Hawai‘i at their new website.
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