It is now known that the 2016 election was a rigged process considering that foreign interference influenced the voting outcome. New research is showing that Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms can indeed influence voting decisions. Information on this study is published by ScienceDaily. Here is an excerpt:
From Facebook to Google search results, many people encounter A.I. algorithms every day. Private companies are conducting extensive research on the data of their users, generating insights into human behavior that are not publicly available. Academic social science research lags behind private research, and public knowledge on how A.I. algorithms might shape people’s decisions is lacking.
To shed new light, Agudo and Matute conducted a series of experiments that tested the influence of A.I. algorithms in different contexts. They recruited participants to interact with algorithms that presented photos of fictitious political candidates or online dating candidates, and asked the participants to indicate whom they would vote for or message. The algorithms promoted some candidates over others, either explicitly (e.g., “90% compatibility”) or covertly, such as by showing their photos more often than others’.
Overall, the experiments showed that the algorithms had a significant influence on participants’ decisions of whom to vote for or message. For political decisions, explicit manipulation significantly influenced decisions, while covert manipulation was not effective. The opposite effect was seen for dating decisions.
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