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Last week, Maine’s Ranked Choice Voting campaign found an unlikely ally: Katniss Everdeen. But if you’ve been following this issue closely, it makes sense that she volunteers herself as tribute. In the Hunger Games of modern politics, this campaign is building lasting coalitions across party lines to reform our voting process.
Jennifer Lawrence is a Represent.Us Board Member – and like the rest of us, she’s tired of establishment politicians trying to take power from voters. That’s why she’s joining the chorus of support for Mainers to vote Yes on 1 on June 12.
This vote is historic, and the rest of the country is looking to Maine to see how the process works. It will send a powerful message to the rest of the country: In America we don’t let politicians walk all over us.
It is an opportunity to draw a line in the sand with legislators who are ignoring the will of the people.
It’s down to the wire and every bit counts – support Mainers by donating to RCV Maine!
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