Democratic candidate Joseph R. Biden has been elected the 46th President of the United States of America after four tumultuous years under President Donald Trump.
At 78, Biden is the oldest President to have ever been elected in America. His Vice President is the high-profile Senator from California, Kamala Harris.
“Harris bursts through another barrier, becoming the first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president-elect”
The blue wave that never was?
Many expected a blue wave, meaning a democratic landslide victory, but Biden’s election came after a tightly contested race.
Many analysts suggested that this is due to Biden’s advanced age. However, Biden received the most votes any presidential candidate has so-far obtained in any presidential election in America.
In the context of the coronavirus pandemic millions of Americans voted by taking advantage of the mail-in ballot system in a show of disapproval of what is deemed “Trumpism” tainted by a lack of seriousness and corruption.
Undoing Trumpism
Many sources have said Biden will have to govern in Trump’s America but Biden has repeatedly called for unity and for all Americans to come together to fight racial divisions and hatred that soared under Trump.
It is also very likely that Biden’s administration will repeal most of Trump’s policies and attempt to stamp America’s global leadership by rekindling global alliances that became frail under Trump.
Repositioning America globally
Biden is expected to reposition America in the ideological conflict with communism and reaffirm America’s disapproval of China’s growing aggression worldwide and especially in the South China sea.
Biden’s administration is also expected to take a tough stance against North Korea and its leader who easily played Trump. The Biden administration is also not expected to be soft with Vladimir Putin of Russia as Trump was.
Africans in countries like Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Conakry, expect the Biden administration to reject African dictators and effectively take measures to end conflicts in African countries sustained by these despots and France.
Trump may be forcibly removed from the White House
There is the possibility that in stamping out Trumpism the first task will be to forcibly remove Donald Trump from the White House.
The White House is the office and home of the American President.
Trump has repeatedly said he will not concede defeat which is one of the most unusual things that has happened in America’s political history.
Trump has constantly showed a tendency of wanting to corrupt the democratic process. He and allies in the Senate hastily had Amy C. Barret approved as Supreme Court Justice following the death of the icon Ruth B. Ginsburg just a few weeks to election.
By solidifying a 6-3 conservative majority in the Supreme Court Trump appeared to be preparing Supreme Court backing for future attempts to reject Biden’s victory, in a way subjecting America’s institutions to his whims and caprices thereby undermining the separation of powers.
However, the Supreme Court is likely not to help Trump as there are very little prospects for it to repeal the election results. Biden secured a clear victory over Trump.
Were Trump to barricade himself in the oval office following the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, the Secret Service will have to forcibly remove him and any of his aides from the White House.
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