I understand David Koch is sick and pulling back from some of his responsibilities at Koch Industries. Well that’s the best news I’ve heard all day. Not that I want Mr. Koch to die or have any use for him, but I believe we corporately could use a little less of his influence.
David Koch’s political machinery that he and his bro, Charles assembled and is to blame for many a problem we have today from promoting political Republican races at the time of the Trump campaign to the birth of the Tea Party movement and their upside down ideologies. We can thank him for union busting, destruction of public schools and EPA as well as the rising U.S. debt because of his influence on doing away with corporate and personal income tax, he forgets they are used to pay for schools, roads and all public places.
What’s more insidious than this, I believe, he wants to destroy America by eliminating what gave this country its middle class. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created many construction projects in the 30’s and China did the same in 2009 and 2010 to save its ailing economy and country. But I guess when you’re dying with $60 billion in your greedy shaking hand, you are concerned about having enough to eat. Not to mention the rest of these angry rich old codgers since Ronald Reagan took office, these old rotten greedy men have destroyed everything that made this country great.
Being a rich greedy subversive traitor does not make you a great man, it doesn’t matter if you make the stock market go up while you are destroying people’s lives. What a legacy, he was known for being a rich A—hole.
Adrian Tawfik says
Great work Jack. Welcome to the DC team!!
Jack says
Thank you for your help and encouragement. Jack Jones
David Anderson says
They are the epitome of everything that is wrong with America these days. I’m often amazed by their greed, selfishness and the bare-faced cruelty of their agenda. They must have *some* shame b/c they got to a lot of effort to do their dirty deeds (screwing the public teachers and unions, say) behind the scenes with “Working Teachers for Freedom” and a bunch of similarly named groups – all of which destroy the middle class.
There’s a chemical, neurological reward for “righteous punishment” in humans, sadly, as expressed in past centuries by witch burning and other popular pubic torture. Their conduct fulfill that need in them – to spread hurt and poverty on a massive scale. How black their hearts.
Great and passionate article,
Jack Jones says
Thank you David, I was so encouraged, by your words that I felt invigorated all day long. Togather we can do this.