The Register Guard had this very interesting perspective on the role of secret ballots in American democracy. Here’s an excerpt:
Republicans in the U. S. House of Representatives took two votes last week inside their caucus. They supported Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has been one of Trump’s loudest advocates. Then they endorsed Rep. Liz Cheney’s leadership position, despite her vote for Trump’s impeachment.
How could legislators take two votes on the same day that represented diametrically opposed positions? The answer is simple. The Greene referendum was public. It ended with a standing ovation. Cheney’s fate was determined by secret ballot.
If politicians have a singular skill, it’s the uncanny ability to “read the room.” Abandoning Greene could cause them trouble they wouldn’t want. On Cheney, they could vote their conscience, without fear of reprisals. Only 61 voted to remove Cheney from leadership, with 145 supporting her.
Read the full article here.
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